
Posts Tagged ‘new warrior’

by Eric Grace

What is it to be a man?

Is it the lean and firm

muscles he develops

from true work?

Is it the strength

he uses to carry

the burdens of others

on his back?

Is a man he who

listens deeply

to the heart of another,

especially his partner,

giving solace and care

in abundance?

Is a man

he who gives

his attention generously

until its time

to say no,

where the no

is given as a gift

rather than as a closed door.

Is a man

he who

lives In the Earth


Her wishes

and protecting them wildly

fondly cherishing

each creature

as if it were

his own child?

Is what makes a man

the way he calls out to God

yearning to know IT

in all Her Glory?

Does a real man

know what the

word surrender


in his bones?

And how to act

with courage

and swiftness when prompted to

from his guts?

Does a man that is true

know how to howl

at the moon,

with his pain, joy, and passion

embracing each as equals?

Would a real man

kiss his beloved’s

tender places

with the presence

of the gods

and the sweetness

of a honeysuckle?

Can a real man grok

the challenges

that his children face

ahead of them

and not get cynical

or despairing,

and then humbly

take steps

each day

to make it easier

for them to tread

their soul’s purpose in grace?

I wonder

if you will have the chance

to see

or become

a real man

in your lifetime.

Or have you already?

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